Wednesday, March 19, 2014

 the sixth beta instalment of iOS 7.0.6 was released Friday last week, Team Evad3rs quickly deployed build 1.0.6 of the Evasi0n7 iOS 7 jailbreak, making the patch safe for all jailbroken iPhones and iPads.

iOS 7 Jailbreak: iH8sn0w and MuscleNerd Confirm iOS 7.0.4 Safe for Future Jailbreaks

The famed developers tweeted on Feb 22 that "Evasi0n7 with support for iOS 7.0.6 is now live at" A quick check on the group's official site proves that the latest jailbreaking tool is ready to download for all Mac and Windows users.

Reports say Apple's latest update of its mobile platform is mostly to plug a hole on the software's SSL connection verification procedure, suggesting that the patch is all about security matters, likely to shut down any form of exploits.

So almost immediately, Evad3rs member @MuscleNerd took to Twitter to shout out that Beta 6 of iOS 7 appears to pack "an important fix," meaning jailbroken iOS devices that will get the upgrade will likely be locked out of the Evasi0n universe.

Just to be sure, the dev echoed the same advice that he aired when the first iOS 7 beta was released by Apple: Never touch what Apple is serving or regret it forever.

"Stay away from 7.0.6 if jailbroken, and we'll update evasi0n7 if possible," says @MuscleNerd on his Feb 21 tweet.

And true enough, the Evad3rs swiftly posted its answers to Apple's latest security measures for the iOS 7. As clearly shown on the group's official site, Evasi0n7 build 1.0.6 is largely designed to support iOS 7.0.6.

For the jailbreak community, there are no major jumps to be expected.

But really, the big question that begs for definite answer is: When is the final iOS 7.1 jailbreak tool will be out?

Analysts say the answer to this will depend wholly on Apple's next move. The consensus is, Team Evad3s will need to get iOS 7.1 in its complete form first, which means no more betas to follow, before it can even re-code Evasi0n7 to its final form.

Release speculations for iOS 7.1 vary at the moment. Some say Apple will finalise the software by March 2014 then move on to the next edition, which could be iOS 7.2 or iOS 8.

But there are whispers too that suggest Beta servings from Apple will not stop until the next iOS version comes around. The goal obviously is to discourage the hacking of iOS as doing so will surely entail lots of or endless stream of work.

Essentially, Team Evad3rs is racing against Apple but the home stretch is nowhere in sight and should not appear on the horizon anytime soon.

So the wait drags on for the Evasi0n7 iOS 7.1 jailbreak and the likelihood is, more beta builds will be forthcoming prior to release date of the iPhone and iPad unlocking tool, in its final form of course.